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Bill Bruneau posted a condolence
Thursday, July 4, 2024
Sandra and I were recent graduates of the University of Saskatchewan in 1964 when we met Bob Dill. He heard me play a service at St Andrew's Chapel (U. of S,United Church of Canada) one spring evening and afterwards said something like this: "Why don't you come to St Thomas Wesley United Church and try out for our organist job? We have a fine choral director (Mrs L.D. Anderson) and an adventurous choir." I agreed. I didn't realize that Bob was intimately involved in the redesign and reconstruction of the wonderful organ, with Dr Howard Hart, the chief designer of the rebuild. Nor had I realized that Bob was a well-trained and reliable organist himself. At any rate, I did apply for the job and was appointed. It was the beginning of a long relationship with that congregation and parish. My wife and our growing family were part of the picture from the start; a couple of years later we introduced our fist child to St Thomas-Wesley Church. Meanwhile, we built a strong personal connection with Bob, who remained close to us all--the parents, the children, and later, Sandra's and my grandchildren.
From 1964 to 1966 I played many services as Mrs Anderson directed the choir. Bob was the glue who helped to make St Thomas Wesley the spiritually vigorous and musically exciting place it was. He supported everyone he knew--whether or not they were churched--but I can confirm that he *strongly* supported the musicians--with complete reliability. The standards of performance constantly rose. Bob sang, Bob helped to maintain the organ. Eventually, there were broadcast services, complete with music; and of course, many people learned church music with us--I credit Bob with this--and a short list of may a half-dozen remarkable parishioners.
Bob became a close family friend. Sandra and I and the rest of our little family ended up living in Vancouver so I could teach at UBC but we delighted when Bob chose to take an x-ray technologist's job at a hospital in Vancouver. Later he returned to his ong-time job at Holy Family, but we remained close friends throughout. He would arrange for me to play at Calvary United Church, where I met and enjoyed musical collaborations with a succession of highly capable U.C. Ministers, substituting as organist on occasion when I happened to be in Saskatchewan and the regular organist wanted to be spelled off.
Meanwhile, he continued to be in touch with our children, with Sandra and me, and we came to know his family well--the unforgettable Aunt Edna in Detroir, and the gentle, welcoming Aunt Lil on the Island.
Our whole family loved Bob. We knew his health was in question over the past couple of decades but were delighted always to learn from one of his lengthy emails (esp. at Christmas) that he was doing well, still making music, and having fun with his old (and faithful) friends in P.A. Bob and his friends at Calvary United (including esp. the Gibsons) ensured that could play services whenever I happened to be passing through Prince Albert to visit family.
Sandra and I are deeply sorry that he has died but recognize that his long illness made things increasingly difficult for him and his old friends, his nephews, and his supporters. We've worried about him for a long time, and were shocked and surprised by his death.
Now he is at rest. We who remain will remember him and celebrate his life as long as we ourselves live.
Bill & Sandra Bruneau, Vancouver, B.C.
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Laura Hughes posted a condolence
Saturday, June 29, 2024
My thoughts and prayers are with Bob’s family upon his passing. Bob truly lived the mission of Holy Family Hospital in his many years of caring for our patients. A wonderful and supportive friend to all those who were part of the family of HFH.
On behalf of the Sisters of Charity our condolences to Bob’s family and friends, Laura Hughes,scic
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Lois Hall posted a condolence
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Sending sincere condolences to Bob's family.
I first met Bob in his role as teacher at the Holy Family Hospital - School of Radiological Technicians. I was in the second last class - graduating in 1970.
Bob became a mentor and friend throughout the years. He was a wealth of knowledge - conversations and letters covered work, life, gardening, crafts, family, faith, music... He shared his life and experiences - all reflecting the high standards he chose and the good humour he maintained.
His life was a light. He will be missed.
Lois (Wessel) Hall, Cardston, Ab
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Jean Henders posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Such a nice picture of Bob….I felt very sad today when I heard of Bob’s passing. I think I was last in conversation with him at Christmas. So you know who I am: Bob’s step-father, Harold Hodgson, later married my mother. So Bob and I got to know each other as adults but thought that relationship….sort of step brother/sister but not quite. My Mom was very fond on Bob..they shared their love of gardening…and their faith…some passed on to me.
I don’t know which nephew it was…but one came to our cottage with Bob one time. I think we shared a meal.
Bob was a very good man and I am sure he touched a lot of people through his work….and his music.
I was blessed to know him.
Sending love to his family,
Jean Henders
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